Over 200 students who were allegedly duped in the ongoing Finland and Canada scholarship fund have now hired city lawyer Danstan Omari to represent them.
Speaking to CH news, Omari said he is rushing to court on behalf of his clients to get orders freezing Senator Jackson Mandago’s assets.
“I shall be moving to the high court early this week to get orders freezing assets of Senator Jackson Mandago and his Co-accused so that their properties can be sold to ensure fees is paid for the students to join various universities in September,” Omari said.
Omari said the president has said that those who stole money meant from students must pay and he agrees with him that the first issue is to refund the money so that the students can proceed with their studies.
“The former governor should also be punished for committing the crime and jailed because for what they did they deserve to be in Kamiti,” Omari said.
Omari said that over 200 parents and students of the Mandago fiasco have looked for him to represent them and he will be representing them in court as victims.
He also says that the victims were not represented in court when Mandago and the other accused persons were charged.
He says that as victims of the crime committed by Mandago the law allows them to be represented and when the accused appeared before the court the students were never represented.
“Their voice in terms of cash bail was never sought and it was a great miscarriage of justice because they should have had a say on whether Mandago and his co-accused should have been released on bail,” he said.
Omari says he will be challenging the bail terms that were granted by the court to Mandago because according to him, they don’t deserve to go back to the community until the case is heard and determined.
“I will be working hand in hand with the new proposed DPP to review the bail terms so that the victims achieve justice,” Omari said